Financing Education towards Deep Renovations

Presentation of educational programmes analysis in deep renovations, introduced within the 4th CA EPBD plenary meeting held on 25 and 26 October 2017 in Bucharest, included the main conclusions in six target countries, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Rumania , Greece and Italy. 

Focusing on new buildings instead of deep renovations seem to be the main issue in vocational training. Moreover, the process is influenced by lack of sources for financing of courses and low interest in optional training.

On the other hand there is a great possibility to use selected parts of programmes developed e.g. within the ingREeS and Train-to-NZEB projects also for the renovation of buildings because a significant part of the topics is common and there a usable overlap. In the EU countries there will be a chance to use programmes developed in terms of Build up Skills initiative. 

Mr. Horia Petran (INCD URBAN-INCERC institute Romania) presented mainly the project goals and later the first results of deep energy renovations programmes were introduced by Mr. Jiří Karásek.

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Published:    30.10.2017