Five actions fit for 55: streamlining energy savings calculations

Date of the event:    9.12.2021 14:00

During the first year of the H2020 project streamSAVE, multiple activities were organized to support countries in developing savings estimations under Art.3 and Art.7 of the Energy Efficiency Directieve (EED).

A fascinating output of the project so far is the “Guidance on Standardized saving methodologies (energy, CO2 and costs)” for a first round of five so-called Priority Actions. This Guidance will assist EU member states in more accurately calculating savings for a set of new energy efficiency actions.

This webinar presents this Guidance and other project findings to the broader community, including industry and markets.

Five actions fit for 55: streamlining energy savings calculations

December 9, 2021 02:00 PM (14:00 CET)

Webinar Registration:

14:00 Introduction to streamSAVE (Nele Renders, Project Coordinator)
14:10 Views from the EU Commission and the link with Fit-for-55 (Anne-Katherina Weidenbach, DG ENER)
14:20 The streamSAVE guidance and its platform illustrated (Elisabeth Böck, AEA)
14:45 Country experiences: the added value of standardized methods (Elena Allegrini, ENEA, Italy)
14:55 A view from industry: What is the added value of streamSAVE (standardized) methods in frame of the EED? (Conor Molloy, AEMS ECOfleet)
15:05 Panel discussion and Q&A with the audience (Moderator: Nele Renders)
15:25 Conclusions and wrap-up