News at SEVEn (june 2004)

Municipal ordinances and energy policy for the third time; EPC project saves Prague's Motol Hospital energy; Energy labels of buildings – who are they for and what do they prove?; New co-financing for projects reducing greenhouse gas emissions; Phare Energy Saving Fund with renewed contract and new terms; EEBW: Energy Efficiency Business Week 2004; New project seeking routes to faster renovation of the housing stock; Sušice Low-energy Low-cost Apartment House project wins Energy Project 2003 prize; What type of contract to sign with EPC?; District heating – route to sustainability or conservation of an old regime?; Děčín geothermal energy – the biggest in the CR; How to save 1% more energy a year; New legislation supporting district heating in the EU; Conferences – July–September 2004; EU structural funds and their use in the CR

Published:    18.6.2004