E-commerce is steadily growing in the EU and globally, and numerous websites are selling energy-consuming appliances. With consumers increasingly going online to research and purchase energy-consuming products, the stakes are higher for online compliance with energy labelling and ecodesign regulations.
Improved compliance is especially relevant in the EU, where ecodesign and energy labelling are now widely recognized as efficiency policies and critical tools to reach the European emission reduction targets. Our team researched the state of online labelling compliance in the EU, focusing on six members states; Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, France, and Slovakia. Read the report for insights on non-compliance cases, the barriers to compliance and the opportunities available for improvement.
Join CLASP and study authors for a webinar on 22 June from 14:00 CET, where we will present the findings of the study and recommendations to improve the EU situation and, more broadly, to design efficient online labelling schemes.