Nearly Zero Energy Buildings

Buildings are major energy consumers that are subject to a number of measures and initiatives to reduce it. Energy saving in buildings is thus a very important topic that SEVEn has been focusing on for a long time. This topic is also gaining in importance due to fluctuating energy prices, falling prices for building materials and technology. Equally important are the increasing quality requirements for buildings and legislative amendments. Since 2021, the requirement for the construction of nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB) will come into force in the European Union. SEVEn operates in all areas of energy reduction in buildings: we provide consultations during project preparation and implementation, in the preparation of energy legislation and, last but not least, we provide training for construction professionals.

At the legislative level, SEVEn deals with the transposition of European directives on the energy performance of buildings and energy efficiency and the preparation of legislative regulations outside the Czech Republic, primarily within the European Union, the countries of the former Soviet Union and Southeast Europe. In education, SEVEn focuses primarily on improving qualifications, increasing interdisciplinary skills and BIM (Building Information Modelling).

SEVEn strives to find optimal solutions for its clients, which will lead to a reduction in the energy intensity of their buildings at a rational cost and with maximum long-term benefits.